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Tournée du Bolchoï à Londres, Juillet 2004
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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 26534

MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 31, 2004 1:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

De la Gauche à la Droite en passant par le centre, la presse britannique est unanime sur ce Roméo et Juliette à la chorégraphie contestée. The Independant suit la même ligne que ses confrères :

Poklitaru's choreography is a grey abstraction, heavily influenced by Mats Ek. He avoids naturalistic gesture, but dance steps too. The women are off pointe, and there are few outright dance numbers. The corps rock from side to side, thrust their hips or sink to the floor. The lovers twitch like frogs, run in circles or laugh aloud

L'article de Zoe Anderson

Dans un autre papier, Z. Anderson a néanmoins également apprécié Maria Alexandrova :

Donnellan has cut and rearranged Prokofiev's score, and the Bolshoi's own orchestra, conducted by Pavel Klinichev, manages to maintain momentum. The company do look alert. Maria Alexandrova dances with more attack as Juliet than she showed as the heroine of Don Quixote.

Romeo et Juliette (bis!) par Zoe Anderson

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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2004
Messages: 15
Localisation: Moscow, Russia

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 03, 2004 7:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oh, Romeo, wherefore?

The Bolshoi's crude new take on the star-crossed lovers is, at best, unusual

Jann Parry
Sunday August 1, 2004
The Observer

When Juliet first meets Romeo in the ballroom, she spreads her legs, skirt rucked up over her face; in their wedding night pas de deux, she nuzzles his bare chest before standing on it; he kisses her foot in an ecstasy of lust. Yet because this is regarded as modern dance, few dare laugh or boo. All credit to Maria Alexandrova as Juliet and Denis Savin as Romeo for compelling us to suspend our disbelief. She is brattish, appealing, headstrong; he, still downy, quivers with intensity. Both invest the silly things they are given to do with such passion that I could kill the choreographer on their behalf.

July 28, 2004

The Times
By Debra Craine

Romeo and Juliet
Covent Garden

Poklitaru’s cartoony style, a watered-down cross between Mats Ek and Angelin Preljocaj, is banal and meaningless, tacky and irritating, gawky and naive, and apparently suffering from a disorder of the central nervous system. The corps de ballet clump about like crabs with an itchy crotch; the lovers’ bedroom duet is a disaster of foot fondling and sheet hugging. The dancers battle heroically through the indignity of Poklitaru’s ineptitude, especially Maria Alexandrova, whose self-assertive, trouser-wearing Juliet manages to rise above the mess to find an ounce of human warmth in a cold production. Praise, too, to Denis Savin’s Romeo, a sweet young man forced into the gauchest choreography. The terrific sound from the pit is at odds with the action on stage, which seems to disregard every musical cue Prokofiev gave. Brave new world for the Bolshoi? More like a dead duck — and a missed opportunity.

The Sunday Times
August 01, 2004

Dance: That sinking feeling
David Dougill fails to fall in love with the Bolshoi’s Romeo and Juliet

Maria Alexandrova and Denis Savin dance the couple with searing commitment and raw power. I could wish that Poklitaru didn’t overuse a motif of shivering, twitching and dithering at moments of crisis, and their contorted grapplings in the bedroom duet — she pumping her foot on his abdomen, or bicycling her legs in the air — verge on the ludicrous. Other characters are sketchy, though vigorously deployed. Yuri Klevtsov has fun as Mercutio, got up in drag as Jack Lemmon in Some Like It Hot to attract the advances of a deluded Tybalt (wiry Denis Medvedev). Ilze Liepa’s glamorous Lady Capulet wears bright green with an extravagant hat. I found this Romeo and Juliet an up-and-down ride, but it won a big reception on Monday, and the company danced all-out in a new challenge that they clearly relished.

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 26534

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 17, 2004 4:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L'interview donnée par Maria Alexandrova à Ballet Magazine est accessible en ligne, agrémentée de très belles photos.

Maria Alexandrova dans Ballet Magazine

Source : http://www.ballet.co.uk - Photo I. Zaharkin

Une galerie de photos plus complète consacrée à La fille du pharaon est également consultable en ligne :

La galerie de photos

Source : http://www.ballet.co.uk - Photo I. Zaharkin

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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 26534

MessagePosté le: Mar Aoû 17, 2004 4:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Et toujours sur Ballet Magazine (décidément, les Anglais font bien les choses, Rule, Britannia!), les photos de John Ross réalisées lors de la tournée du Bochoï à Londres :

Don Quichotte

Le lac des cygnes

Romeo et Juliette


La fille du pharaon

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Site Admin

Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 26534

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 22, 2004 10:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Une nouvelle série de photos de la tournée du Bolchoï à Londres est disponible sur le site du photographe Marc Haegeman, qui vient de nous en signaler la mise à jour :

For ballet lovers only

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