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09 juin 2011

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MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 09, 2011 7:49 am    Sujet du message: 09 juin 2011 Répondre en citant

Christian Lacroix: «Le costume, une manière de garder une trace»(La Croix)

LA CROIX : Quelle est la justification d’un musée consacré exclusivement aux costumes pour le théâtre et l’opéra, arts éphémères?
Christian Lacroix : Sans doute défendre une cause désespérée. Mais pas plus que n’importe quel musée où la peinture ternit, où l’art contemporain se détériore, où les objets s’empoussièrent en perdant leur éclat. Ne pas conserver ces costumes serait comme brûler toutes les photos datant de Talbot et Niépce sous prétexte qu’elles représentent des morts. La justification du Centre national du costume de scène, comme celle du Louvre, est de garder une trace, un témoignage. Il y a aussi des maquettes, des dessins, des décors. On peut étudier des techniques, remonter le fil d’une histoire qui serait évanouie sans ces empreintes...

Prochains rendz-vous des Ballets de Monte-Carlo et du Monaco Dance Forum / Spectacle des élèves de l'Académie de Danse Princesse Grace (Art Côte d'Azur)

Les vendredi 24 et samedi 25 juin 2011, les élèves de l’Académie de Danse Princesse Grace, dirigée par Luca Masala, présenteront leur spectacle de fin d’année dans la Salle Prince Pierre du Grimaldi Forum. Bien plus qu’un gala d’école de danse, ce spectacle permettra de mesurer le talent de ces jeunes danseurs qui intégreront dans un avenir proche de grandes compagnies de danse internationales. Ces futurs artistes donneront le meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour interpréter les chorégraphies de Michel Rahn, de George Balanchine, de Jeroen Verbruggen et de Jean-Christophe Maillot, Chorégraphe Directeur des Ballets de Monte-Carlo, illustrant ainsi la collaboration intense entre l’Académie et la Compagnie...

Les Ballets russes de Diaghilev au Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, par Michaël Lachance (Patwhite - Canada)

«Étonne-moi!» aurait lancé Diaghilev à Cocteau lorsque celui-ci écrivit le livret de «Parade» (1917), un des spectacles les plus originaux créés pour les Ballets russes. Le regardeur le sera tout autant lors du parcours de cette exposition exclusive au MNBAQ qui débute demain (9 juin 2011). Des extraits musicaux de 24 ballets, parmi les plus célèbres des Ballets russes, accompagnent le visiteur dans trois salles d’expositions du pavillon Gérard-Morisset. Une parade de dessins, photos, lithos, costumes et vidéos, présentés sans cimaise afin d’évoquer les espaces scéniques accoutumés aux grands opéras et ballets, étonnera manifestement le public invité à entrer dans cette danse unique. Pour une deuxième collaboration avec le MNBAQ (Haute couture), le Victoria and Albert Museum de Londres présente cette exposition inusitée pour célébrer le 100e anniversaire de la fondation des Ballets russes (1911)...

Royal Danish Ballet’s ‘A Folk Tale’ has the human touch, par Sarah Kaufman (The Washington Post)

“A Folk Tale,” which the Royal Danish Ballet performed Tuesday night at the Kennedy Center Opera House, is exactly that: a story of the folk, of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. It is a sophisticated, shadowy garden-party ballet, rather like Hans Christian Andersen meets “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with a little disquieting Ibsen thrown in. Dance-wise, this is not an evening that delivers flashy pyrotechnics. Rather, one of its chief charms is the subtle way that movement and body language are used to distinguish one type of folk from another...

Nikolaj Hubbe returns to New York with the Royal Danish Ballet in tow, par Susan Reiter (New York Press)

The last time New Yorkers saw the Royal Danish Ballet, a young 20-year-old named Nikolaj Hübbe was one its newest principals—and he made quite an impression. He was dashing and technically powerful, with vivid dramatic instincts. In 1988, New York Times critic Anna Kisselgoff called him “one of the season’s revelations” and wrote that he was “already blessed with star presence.” Four years later, in 1992, Hübbe followed what has become a tradition of sorts among leading men of the RDB: He came to dance with New York City Ballet. His 16 years there endeared him to the local audiences; he put his distinctive stamp on many Balanchine and Robbins roles and appeared in many original works. When he decided in 2008 to hang up his tights, Hübbe was appointed the new artistic director of his former company. So this prodigal son returned to Copenhagen, bringing the experiences and insights he’d gained during his years in New York...

Royal Danish Ballet, Queen Margrethe were welcomed royally at Kennedy Center 6/7, par Masha Reiter (The Washington DC Examiner)

The renowned Royal Danish Ballet and Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II received royal ovations at last night’s Kennedy Center opening of "A Folk Tale". Queen Margrethe and her husband Prince Henrik got an even longer standing ovation than the illustrious ballet company received. The Washington welcome had a folksy touch, with audience members pointing to the royal couple and taking photos. Sitting with them was Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), whose father was born in Copenhagen. Rep. Hoyer said the ballet was "delightful" and "absolutely beautiful." The ballet was as sweet as Danish pastry, with spice and modernity added by the Royal Danish Ballet’s (RDB) artistic director Nikolaj Hübbe, former star of the New York City Ballet...

Martha Graham Piece to be Performed for the First Time in Russia, 6/23 (Broadway Wolrd)

For the first time In Russia, at the Diana Vishneva Gala Performance, a Martha Graham piece will be performed. On June 23 at the Mariinsky Theatre, Diana Vishneva and Martha Graham Dance Company member Benjamin Robert Schultz will perform the Graham classic masterpiece Errand into the Maze. The ballet Errand into the Maze (Music by Gian Carlo Menotti; Sets by Isamu Noguchi?Costumes; by Edythe Gilfond;?Lighting by Jean Rosenthal)?was created by Martha Graham in 1947. Like several other of her productions, this ballet was based on an ancient Greek myth. She created a total of thirteen such ballets (which are often referred to as the "Greek cycle", although Graham herself preferred to call them "pieces"). The ballet Errand into the Maze is a free interpretation of the story of Ariadne and the Minotaur's labyrinth. Such great ballet stars of as Makarova, Baryshnikov and Nureyev have performed with Martha Graham's company and in her ballets...

The Australian Ballet Returns to New York in 2012 (Broadway Wolrd)

After a more than decade-long absence, The Australian Ballet returns to the United States as part of their historic 50th anniversary celebrations. The company will visit New York from June 12 - 17, 2012 with three works making their North American stage debut at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center. Two distinctly Australian programs will be presented, allowing American audiences to discover a company in peak form. Graeme Murphy's critically acclaimed Swan Lake is the perfect illustration of the company's innovative and dynamic style. This brilliant interpretation has won more than ten major awards and sold out theatres at home and around the world. The contemporary counterpart to this program is an all-Australian mixed bill, featuring Wayne McGregor's rule-breaking Dyad 1929 (created on The Australian Ballet's dancers in 2009) and an entirely new work choreographed by Stephen Page in an exciting collaboration with Bangarra Dance Theatre. This work will have its world premiere in Australia in February 2012. Joining this bill is a third yet-to-be-announced piece...

The Australian Ballet's choreographer Stephen Baynes's work is a serene reflection on the end of a life., par Philippa Hawker (The Age - Australie)

Since the age of seven or eight, Stephen Baynes recalls, he loved Faure's Requiem, that famously tranquil meditation on mortality. To Baynes, the Australian Ballet's resident choreographer, "it's not a Judgment Day requiem — as so many of them are — all about whether you're going to go up or you're going to go down. "It's a very benevolent, serene way of looking at the end of a life. It has a feeling of acceptance." It was the inspiration for a work he created for the company 10 years ago...

Международный фестиваль балетного искусства имени Рудольфа Нуреева открылся в Уфе / Le Festival international de ballet "Rudolf Nouréev" s'est ouvert à Oufa (ИТАР-ТАСС - ITAR-TASS)

Премьерой балета "Семь красавиц" композитора Кара Караева сегодня в Уфе открылся Международный фестиваль балетного искусства имени Рудольфа Нуреева [...] В программу фестиваля, который проводится в 17-й раз, включены спектакли, составляющие золотой фонд мировой хореографии, - "Баядерка" и "Дон Кихот" Людвига Минкуса, "Жизель" Адольфа Адана и "Лебединое озеро" Петра Чайковского, в которых блистал Рудольф Нуреев. Завершится фестиваль 16 июня гала-концертом с участием всех приглашенных танцовщиков и солистов Башкирского государственного театра оперы и балета. / La première du ballet "Les Sept beautés", du compositeur Kara Karaev, a ouvert le Festival international de ballet "Rudolf Nouréev" à Oufa [...]. Cette 17ème édition du festival met à l'affiche les trésors du patrimoine chorégraphique mondial : "La Bayadère" et "Don Quichotte" de Ludwig Minkus, "Giselle", d'Adolphe Adam et "Le Lac des cygnes," de Tchaïkovski, dans lequel brilla jadis Rudolph Nouréev. Le festival s'achèvera le 16 juin par un gala auquel participeront tous les solistes invités ainsi que les danseurs du Ballet de l'Opéra d'État de Bashkirie.

Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo «incantano» Catania con la nuova veste di Cenerentola (Il Corriere della serra)

CATANIA - Grande successo nel debutto etneo martedì de Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo al Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania. Il corpo di ballo, storica formazione diretta dal coreografo Jean-Christophe Maillot, ha portato in scena «Cenerentola», di Sergej Prokofiev. «ONIRISMO» IN SCENA - Pubblico soddisfatto ed applausi per tutti alla fine dei tre atti dello spettacolo, che si discosta molto dalle solite versioni ispirate più al cartoon di Walt Disney che alla fiaba di Perrault. E infatti la Cenerentola del balletto di Montecarlo è proprio un racconto in fiaba, con tanti tableux che sembrano sogni, con i costumi sgargianti ed eccentrici di Jerome Kaplan, le curiose scene di Ernest Pignon-Ernest, e le luci abbaglianti di Dominique Drillot.

Abbagnato e Balzaretti: «Il futuro? Forse un progetto insieme nella moda» (Il Corriere della serra)

PALERMO - Fiori d'arancio imminenti per l'étoile dell'Opera di Parigi, Eleonora Abbagnato e il terzino rosanero Federico Balzaretti, 29 anni, ex juventino e da poco entrato a far parte della Nazionale. I due hanno raccontato il loro amore lampo, (si sono conosciuti da poco meno di un anno) e le vicine nozze al settimanale Chi. Nell'intervista Eleonora ha rivelato come tra candele, champagne e vista su Montmartre il suo Federico le abbia chiesto di sposarlo per risalire poi al momento del loro primo incontro dove a fare da «mediano», e non in senso calcistico, è stato il loro parrucchiere e curatore di look Nino: «È nel nostro cuore» dicono i due innamorati...

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