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Inscrit le: 28 Déc 2003
Messages: 1321
Localisation: Paris

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 22, 2011 12:20 am    Sujet du message: THE ACTING ARCHIVES PROJECT Répondre en citant


Acting Archives is a research program carried out by the Dipartimento di Studi letterari e linguistici dell’Europa of the Universitŕ di Napoli “L’Orientale”, with the contribution of the Italian Ministry of University and Research and of the Campania Region.

The program has two main goals: the collection and distribution of the primary data used for general research on acting theories and techniques, and the production and circulation of studies on the art of acting, from an historical and contemporary perspective.

The results are progressively presented in three sections: the “Catalogue” (an international bilingual catalogue on treatises on acting from ancient times to the present day), the “Essays” (essays in English on acting theories and techniques, conceived as a direct specialized contributions to the field) and the “Acting Archives Review” (a six-monthly periodical in Italian begun in April 2011 with the goal of contributing to the present debate through specific interventions on actors, on historical and critical topics, on methodological problems).

Prof. Claudio Vicentini

Prof. Arnold Aronson (Columbia University), Prof.ssa Silvia Carandini (Universitŕ di Roma, La Sapienza), Prof. Marco De Marinis (Universitŕ di Bologna), Prof.ssa Mara Fazio (Universitŕ di Roma, La Sapienza), Prof. Siro Ferrone (Universitŕ di Firenze), Prof. Pierre Frantz (Université Paris Sorbonne), Prof. Lorenzo Mango (Universitŕ di Napoli “L’Orientale”), Prof.ssa Flavia Pappacena (Accademia Nazionale di Danza), Prof.ssa Sandra Pietrini (Universitŕ di Trento), Prof. Willmar Sauter (Stockholms Universitet), Prof. Paolo Sommaiolo (Universitŕ di Napoli “L’Orientale”)

New Entries (http://actingarchives.unior.it/Essays/NewEntries.aspx)

Claudio Vicentini, Theory of Acting I. Acting Theory in the Ancient World
Claudio Vicentini, Theory of Acting II. From the Church Fathers to the Sixteenth Century
Claudio Vicentini, Theory of Acting III. The Early Italian Treatises and the Theoretical Acting Model
Claudio Vicentini, Theory of Acting IV. The World of Oratory. Perrucci, Grimarest and Gildon
Claudio Vicentini, Theory of Acting V. The Birth of Emotionalism
Lorenzo Mango, The Actor and Stage Writing
Lorenzo Mango, The Manuscripts of The Art of the Theatre by Edward Gordon Craig
Antonio Attisani, The Art and Task of the Actor from Stanislavski to Grotowski and beyond
Flavia Pappacena, Noverre's Lettres sur la Danse. The Inclusion of Dance among the Imitative Arts
Maria Ines Aliverti, The Miniatures of Jean Louis Faesch and Their Printed Versions. A Theatrical Paper Museum
Sandra Pietrini, Spanish Theoretical Writings on Acting in the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Barbara Valentino, Pierre Rémond de Sainte-Albine and John Hill. From Le Comédien to The Actor
Sonia Bellavia, Friedrich Ludwig Schröder's Vorschriften über die Schauspielkunst

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